Hi! This is Thomas (aka hermitC) from Black Golem and this is the new blog for the upcoming Steampunk shoot ’em up Nordenfelt.

Site Changes

Some of you may have visited this website before. The former layout was a simple information panel with a newsletter subscription form. BTW: Feel free to subscribe to the email newsletter. You can find the subscription form on the right hand side of this blog. Subscribers will always receive news first!

This blog is dedicated to players, testers and finally customers. Everything concerning the progress of Nordenfelt’s development will appear here. Everybody is welcome to comment on the development state. Nordenfelt relies on your feedback. Playable demos of the game will be published regularly. The first version (v0.1) can be downloaded from the download page or directly here.

The Game

Nordenfelt is a vertical shooter for Windows, settled in an alternative world where Victorian art and science meet modern views on technology. This combination is widely known as Steampunk. If you have no clue what Steampunk is, this illustration may give you an idea:

A giant steampunk robot attacking a train

The picture contains many Steampunk basics like Victorian fashion, giant steel constructions and advanced mechanical vehicles. It shows an alternative path in time where the culture and science of the late 18th century was never ousted but developed to their maximum. The fictional aspect of Steampunk is a great challenge. Everything is possible but it has to work within the physical rules of old knowledge.

Concluding Words

I hope that some fans will gather here. Your input is important. So let’s make Nordenfelt an enjoyable game!
